Monday, December 29, 2008

less than epic, did I jinx myself??

So I know I swore to have the best day ever Saturday, and BELIEVE ME, I tried!!!!!!!

I woke up early, did my laundry, cleaned some house, got the boring stuff out of the way. Went to get into my car to take it to get the tire changed. (My tire incident, refer to earlier blog post). The last few days I drove a room mates car, so my car sat for a few days. I was apalled when I glanced into the backseat. On the passenger side floor of the back seat was a freaking bathtub of water. A solid 4 inches. I know you are thinking about how much this sucks, but just wait a second. My car is an $800 '92 escort wagon. She has seen better days for sure. A little water is something I can deal with. Here is the part that tears my heart up. Behind my passenger seat, in its case, and then wrapped up in a towel is where I keep my camera. My fairly expensive Canon Rebel XTI. My baby. Yup. You better believe it. My camera took a 2 day bath. Soaked down to every last light sensor and wire. I took it apart and set it out to dry, used a cup to scoop the water out, and all my beach towels to soak up the last of it on the floor. I didn't get upset, I didn't freak out (on the outside). I started my three legged car and drove a slow 45 mph down the hill.

I went to walmart first to check on the tire situation. Walmart is usually pretty cheap. They quoted me 100 bucks for one freaking tire. No way. Next I went to the tire place by Safeway. 65 bucks. That sounds a little better, and should be done in 1 hour. Rocko and I took a walk around the block and people watched in front of Safeway. 1/2 hour into the wait, my phone rang. Apparently things were busy, and 1 hour really was going to be 2 hours. AAAGH!!!! At this rate I would miss all the good wind at the beach!

Finally, my tire was fixed. Straight to Sprecks I went. I looked out over the water, and saw everyone fully powered and planing. YAY!!!! In case the wind got lighter, I wanted to be prepared so I rigged my biggest sail, a 4.8. I downhauled it extra incase I was going to be overpowered. Of course, as soon as I get out on the water the wind goes weird. Weird directions, super gusty, slogging one minute, blasting another minute, and then fall back into the water.

Despite the somewhat awful conditions, I proved to myself that I really do enjoy self-punishment. Every run out to the reef I swore that all I wanted was enough wind to make it back to the beach and I would be DONE. De-rig and go home. Nope. Silly me. Everytime I made it back to the beach, I itched for one more chance at planing across the choppy messy water. I kept going and going, even though I technically wasn't having too much fun.

But did you SEEEE the beautiful rainbow?!?!? Did you FEEL the wind on your face?!?! Didn't the water feel GREAT?!?! I couldn't help but have fun. I loved it. I hated it. I wanted more of it. So confusing, don't you think????

I got out of the water and the rain came down hard. Of course, solid super wind came as well---AFTER I de-rigged my stuff. Oh darn. Besides, with the strong wind came strong rain. I got into my dry clothes just in time for the rain, and hopped in my car looking like I just got out of the shower.... in my clothes.

Ooohhh Maui. How I love you so.


  1. No! you didn't jinx yourself, just a tough day. We all go thru them. It does sound like you had fun tho. does your camera work now? Love you and thanks for being you!

  2. Sierra,
    Sounds like you are doing well.I sit & read your blog 2-3 times a month when I have a spare minute.We really did miss you at our little get together, it did not seem the same w/o you.Sounds like xmas went ok for you.KP,Amy and I are riding today...maybe we'll even pop over a few's been a while!Did you get your camera to work?When does nursing school start...the 5th?Call me if you need help w/any nsg stuff.I'm definitely up to snuff on it...Miss you lots...enjoy the sunshine.

  3. 1 more week!!!
