The inspiration behind my happiness comes from my four legged furball, Rocko Chops. If you know me, you most likely know my dog too. He goes by the names Rocko, Chops, Chopsticks, Pork Chop, and Small Fry. If you walk into Kanaha Kai/Hot Sails, you can almost guarantee tripping over him while he pretends he is the doormat for the entrance. If you are down at Kanaha Beach much, you know who Rocko is. The little brown guy sprinting back and forth along the waters edge, hunting for sandcrabs. He happily stand-up paddles, windsurfs on the start boards and has recently taken up longboarding.
I can say with complete assurance that he has the best life a dog could ask for. Even when he stays home he has 2 acres of fruit trees and jungle at his disposal. He is incredibly happy and you can see it on his face. His eyes hold so much emotion. Rocko gets that stupid "I'm a dog I'm a dog I'm a dog" look on his face and you know he is the definition of carefree joy. When I see him like this, it makes me want to simplify my life and focus on the things that really matter. Find out what it is that really makes me happy and go with it. Forget the details and make the most of what is in front of me.
Next time you see Rocko, watch him carefully and think about it. You'll know what I mean.

I've never seen a more photogenic dog, I'm glad you are happy!