Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Todays Examination

1. 20/40 vision in both eyes

2. Poor hearing in left ear

3. Anemic

4. Wisdom teeth growing in

5. Scoliosis throughout entire back

1. I really need glasses (at least I look cute in them!)

2. I will have to spring for the better--more expensive--stethoscope to accommodate for the poor hearing in my left ear. (I know this goes back to that time 3 years ago at the Flumes I jumped off the 40 ft rock and tweaked my left ear drum...dang it)

3. I need to eat a lot more red meat and start taking iron supplements (I am sooo bad at taking pills regularly!).

4. It is highly suggested that I look into getting dental insurance and get those wisdom teeth removed ( I knoooow I feel them back there every day!)

5. I need to strengthen the entire right side of my back (but luckily windsurfing and surfing are perfect for this).

Physical exam/vaccinations for nursing school: $200.00
Ibuprofen for sore muscles after shots: $2.00
Good health: Priceless


  1. My last Dr. was deaf and had a Stethoscope with hearing aids in it!!
    Love you bunches.
    Gma H

  2. you need glasses? Wow I can't believe that.
