I thought today was going to suck but somehow I was fully energized for my first class, Microbiology Lab. We did a really interesting analysis of some cells that we "genetically engineered" (really just "transformed"). We inserted P-Glo plasmids, ampicillin resistance genes and green flouresence genes into some E-coli bacteria. To put it simply, we made the cells glow florescently. :-) In one of my answers on my paper I even put "They glow like a San Fransisco rave". Haha...I bet my teacher will just looove that answer.
Here are the transformed cells under a blacklight..pretty cool that I did that eh?

So from there my next class only got better. Microbiology Lecture class. We got our midterms back today and guess what...I got a 107/110 points. One of the top scores in my class of 67! Woohoo! I really like that class. And, my teacher is learning how to windsurf...so I am spending a good chunk of my time in that class discussing windsurfing basics.
I just ended my evening with the boys: Juan, Andres and Jan. We ate pizza and watched The Windsurfing Movie. You know the song on there called Club Foot by Kasabian? Well I love that song and those shots...has me all excited to windsurf again.
After a dry 3 days of work and school for me, the wind comes back tomorrow and I am going to sail after work. Can't wait to get in the water again!
Cheers and Aloha!
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