So I know I swore to have the best day ever Saturday, and BELIEVE ME, I tried!!!!!!!
I woke up early, did my laundry, cleaned some house, got the boring stuff out of the way. Went to get into my car to take it to get the tire changed. (My tire incident, refer to earlier blog post). The last few days I drove a room mates car, so my car sat for a few days. I was apalled when I glanced into the backseat. On the passenger side floor of the back seat was a freaking bathtub of water. A solid 4 inches. I know you are thinking about how much this sucks, but just wait a second. My car is an $800 '92 escort wagon. She has seen better days for sure. A little water is something I can deal with. Here is the part that tears my heart up. Behind my passenger seat, in its case, and then wrapped up in a towel is where I keep my camera. My fairly expensive Canon Rebel XTI. My baby. Yup. You better believe it. My camera took a 2 day bath. Soaked down to every last light sensor and wire. I took it apart and set it out to dry, used a cup to scoop the water out, and all my beach towels to soak up the last of it on the floor. I didn't get upset, I didn't freak out (on the outside). I started my three legged car and drove a slow 45 mph down the hill.
I went to walmart first to check on the tire situation. Walmart is usually pretty cheap. They quoted me 100 bucks for one freaking tire. No way. Next I went to the tire place by Safeway. 65 bucks. That sounds a little better, and should be done in 1 hour. Rocko and I took a walk around the block and people watched in front of Safeway. 1/2 hour into the wait, my phone rang. Apparently things were busy, and 1 hour really was going to be 2 hours. AAAGH!!!! At this rate I would miss all the good wind at the beach!
Finally, my tire was fixed. Straight to Sprecks I went. I looked out over the water, and saw everyone fully powered and planing. YAY!!!! In case the wind got lighter, I wanted to be prepared so I rigged my biggest sail, a 4.8. I downhauled it extra incase I was going to be overpowered. Of course, as soon as I get out on the water the wind goes weird. Weird directions, super gusty, slogging one minute, blasting another minute, and then fall back into the water.
Despite the somewhat awful conditions, I proved to myself that I really do enjoy self-punishment. Every run out to the reef I swore that all I wanted was enough wind to make it back to the beach and I would be DONE. De-rig and go home. Nope. Silly me. Everytime I made it back to the beach, I itched for one more chance at planing across the choppy messy water. I kept going and going, even though I technically wasn't having too much fun.
But did you SEEEE the beautiful rainbow?!?!? Did you FEEL the wind on your face?!?! Didn't the water feel GREAT?!?! I couldn't help but have fun. I loved it. I hated it. I wanted more of it. So confusing, don't you think????
I got out of the water and the rain came down hard. Of course, solid super wind came as well---AFTER I de-rigged my stuff. Oh darn. Besides, with the strong wind came strong rain. I got into my dry clothes just in time for the rain, and hopped in my car looking like I just got out of the shower.... in my clothes.
Ooohhh Maui. How I love you so.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Post-Christmas thoughts
I survived my first Christmas without my family. Not too bad, only a quick few tear drops after I talked to my little sister on the phone. She is growing up so fast :-(
My day was good. I didn't get on the water, but I heard from others that the wind was super gusty and not so great anyways. I actually spent the day indoors watching re-runs of Ice Age.
Now that its over (whew!) I can move on. I am feeling kind of accomplished about it, and if I have to do it again, I think it will be easier the next time.
Today I worked all day. It was an excellent day of work though! At Hot Sails we did inventory so my brain actually took a nice break from the more monotonous things I do behind a desk. I got a kick out of watching Glenn and Tom dig out piles and piles of sails. So many sails piled up I couldn't even walk by! Luckily, Diony scooped me up and used his long grasshopper legs hop over the sail piles and carry me across the shop. I felt like a princess!
The restaurant was slower than ever, but it made for a pleasant atmosphere. The girls I work with are so different from me, but I love each of them dearly, for so many different reasons.
Tomorrow is going to be a splendid day, I just know it!!! Here is why:
1. I don't work AT ALL!
2. I am going to clean my entire house. Tomorrow evening, I am going to light all the candles and relax, hopefully with the sound of rain outside.
3. I have a list of songs I really want to use my poi and fire dance to, and I always feel like a million bucks afterward.
4. There is allegedly going to be trade winds. I don't care if the rain blows the wind crazy directions, I am getting in the water! If it's super gusty and I get catapulted again and again, so be it! Or, if I end up slogging around in a light breeze, I will snag a board from Kanaha Kai and cruise on a tanker.
5. There is definite possibilities of making chocolate chip cookies.
6. I reallllly want to see the movie Marley and Me. Problem is, nobody wants to see it with me. So maybe I will pull a Rachel Delforge, and take myself on a date. Yup. Thanks Rachface :-)
7. I don't have to stress about school yet! That makes any day worth being happy about!
8. Today I stumbled upon something great at the store. I randomly found Rockos favorite brand of squeaky ball. I haven't been able to find this particular brand in months and months! He doesn't like toys, but he goes CRAZY for this particular squeaky ball. He's gonna be stoked! Playing fetch with him at the beach is going to be great fun.
8 reasons. There you have them. I'm telling you, it really is going to be a good day. I can feel it in my bones!!!!!!!!!!!
My day was good. I didn't get on the water, but I heard from others that the wind was super gusty and not so great anyways. I actually spent the day indoors watching re-runs of Ice Age.
Now that its over (whew!) I can move on. I am feeling kind of accomplished about it, and if I have to do it again, I think it will be easier the next time.
Today I worked all day. It was an excellent day of work though! At Hot Sails we did inventory so my brain actually took a nice break from the more monotonous things I do behind a desk. I got a kick out of watching Glenn and Tom dig out piles and piles of sails. So many sails piled up I couldn't even walk by! Luckily, Diony scooped me up and used his long grasshopper legs hop over the sail piles and carry me across the shop. I felt like a princess!
The restaurant was slower than ever, but it made for a pleasant atmosphere. The girls I work with are so different from me, but I love each of them dearly, for so many different reasons.
Tomorrow is going to be a splendid day, I just know it!!! Here is why:
1. I don't work AT ALL!
2. I am going to clean my entire house. Tomorrow evening, I am going to light all the candles and relax, hopefully with the sound of rain outside.
3. I have a list of songs I really want to use my poi and fire dance to, and I always feel like a million bucks afterward.
4. There is allegedly going to be trade winds. I don't care if the rain blows the wind crazy directions, I am getting in the water! If it's super gusty and I get catapulted again and again, so be it! Or, if I end up slogging around in a light breeze, I will snag a board from Kanaha Kai and cruise on a tanker.
5. There is definite possibilities of making chocolate chip cookies.
6. I reallllly want to see the movie Marley and Me. Problem is, nobody wants to see it with me. So maybe I will pull a Rachel Delforge, and take myself on a date. Yup. Thanks Rachface :-)
7. I don't have to stress about school yet! That makes any day worth being happy about!
8. Today I stumbled upon something great at the store. I randomly found Rockos favorite brand of squeaky ball. I haven't been able to find this particular brand in months and months! He doesn't like toys, but he goes CRAZY for this particular squeaky ball. He's gonna be stoked! Playing fetch with him at the beach is going to be great fun.
8 reasons. There you have them. I'm telling you, it really is going to be a good day. I can feel it in my bones!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Have you seen Sicko? By Michael Moore? If you haven't, then you should. I watched it last night for the first time.
Umm... universal health care??? I'll pay half my income to taxes every month if it means I can rely on my family having health care for the rest of their lives. Sign me up!
Umm... universal health care??? I'll pay half my income to taxes every month if it means I can rely on my family having health care for the rest of their lives. Sign me up!
Monday, December 22, 2008
"be happy and have a grateful heart"
When I heard her voice distantly through the phone, I have to admit, that elephant teardrops sprang into my eyes. Mostly happy tears, but still that clenching pang in my stomach. Its weird how you adjust to people, almost take them for granted. And then when they are not around, you realize how much you miss them. After I hung up the phone I felt happy that they get to be together for the holidays and I imagined them strolling through the quaint shops of downtown Chico, sporting their Christmasy hats and scarves, picking out just the right little Christmas gift for me. That was Monday morning. My tears were happy ones.
Monday night was the night after the first day of winter. I think that makes it the second shortest day of the year. It was dark early, and I could hear the raindrops on the roof of the restaurant. I busily waited on table after table, grateful for the consistent flow of work to keep my mind off the feeling in the air. When I paused for even a second, I was overwhelmed by the sensation of feeling the season.
On my way to work this morning I blew out a tire. The Haiku rain was so heavy I opted to wait in my car for it to pass before viewing the damage.
With optimism I headed through Paia and emerged out of the wetness. The sun warmed air of Kahului was comforting and I went about my work without any significant emotion. When I saw the trees outside my office window swaying in the wind, I got excited. I anticipated good wind and had a 2 hour session with the nicest wind I have felt in months.
On the water is when I decided that I wouldn't be sad. I wouldn't think about my friends gathering for dinner and drunken stupidity, immersed in the holiday season night life of Chico. I wouldn't imagine my little siblings racing to the couch to be the first to sit by me. Or tackling eachother to get into the car to have the seat clostest to me. Or my little tiny kindergarten sister making up her own songs to the tunes of my older brothers acoustic guitar. All thoughts of my grandparents amazing holiday cooking were going to vanish. I wouldn't be sad knowing that my friends were going to go ride horses together, like we do every year we get together for Christmas.
Despite all that I am missing these days, it was easy to look around and appreciate what I am not missing. A lot of people still dream of even visiting where I get to live. The water was warm, the wind was magnificent. I spent two hours soaking up the sun, and finally came in when it began to disappear behind the West Maui Mountains. Rocko and I spent some quality time together hunting crabs on the beach. I observed his mad dash to Kite Beach, and could share his excitement as he sprinted back to me. The grin on his face and his ears flying back in the wind was a sight worth paying money to see.

For some reason I feel patient today. The tropical rainstorm in Haiku didn't bother me, the traffic through town wasn't a problem, and spending an hour at safeway to buy just a couple of things was mellow. Everyone was in such a hurry and so busy. I patiently waited my turn in line and through a little bit of chaotic traffic, I found my way into the Haiku rain again, and back home.
Monday night was the night after the first day of winter. I think that makes it the second shortest day of the year. It was dark early, and I could hear the raindrops on the roof of the restaurant. I busily waited on table after table, grateful for the consistent flow of work to keep my mind off the feeling in the air. When I paused for even a second, I was overwhelmed by the sensation of feeling the season.
On my way to work this morning I blew out a tire. The Haiku rain was so heavy I opted to wait in my car for it to pass before viewing the damage.
With optimism I headed through Paia and emerged out of the wetness. The sun warmed air of Kahului was comforting and I went about my work without any significant emotion. When I saw the trees outside my office window swaying in the wind, I got excited. I anticipated good wind and had a 2 hour session with the nicest wind I have felt in months.
On the water is when I decided that I wouldn't be sad. I wouldn't think about my friends gathering for dinner and drunken stupidity, immersed in the holiday season night life of Chico. I wouldn't imagine my little siblings racing to the couch to be the first to sit by me. Or tackling eachother to get into the car to have the seat clostest to me. Or my little tiny kindergarten sister making up her own songs to the tunes of my older brothers acoustic guitar. All thoughts of my grandparents amazing holiday cooking were going to vanish. I wouldn't be sad knowing that my friends were going to go ride horses together, like we do every year we get together for Christmas.
Despite all that I am missing these days, it was easy to look around and appreciate what I am not missing. A lot of people still dream of even visiting where I get to live. The water was warm, the wind was magnificent. I spent two hours soaking up the sun, and finally came in when it began to disappear behind the West Maui Mountains. Rocko and I spent some quality time together hunting crabs on the beach. I observed his mad dash to Kite Beach, and could share his excitement as he sprinted back to me. The grin on his face and his ears flying back in the wind was a sight worth paying money to see.

For some reason I feel patient today. The tropical rainstorm in Haiku didn't bother me, the traffic through town wasn't a problem, and spending an hour at safeway to buy just a couple of things was mellow. Everyone was in such a hurry and so busy. I patiently waited my turn in line and through a little bit of chaotic traffic, I found my way into the Haiku rain again, and back home.
Supersize it.
Okay. So here is a somewhat random post.
On several occasions this weekend, I encountered conversational topics regarding obesity, overeating, and healthy v. unhealthy food. One conversation was a somewhat humorous story that actually had a really good ending. Despite the positive ending to the story, I had a difficult time laughing along the way. Why would I have a hard time laughing at a story about an obese person?
Believe it or not, obesity tends to run in family. And yes, it is a disease. It is a disgusting mind game. It is something I can completely relate to, because even at only 21 years of age, food has filled my head to an extent that can't possibly be healthy. But look at my genetics, and you can understand the constant source of my worry. I have never been a skinny person, and don't consider myself to be small. I am "pleasantly plump". And I am okay with that, really. But what about in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? I need to be aware of these things now, so I don't have to fight them in the future.
The difference between myself and some of my family is that I have been raised with a good amount of education on what a healthy diet consists of. I live in a part of the U.S. that in my opinion, provides a lot of access to healthy, fresh foods. It is my hope that I can look at the mistakes of my family and learn from them, apply the educational value of those mistakes to my life, and someday raise my own children to eat the right foods.
Here is my biggest dilemma and cause of frustration:
Most students gain 10-15 lbs during college. This is partially a result of exercise. But it is also because of the college students' diet. Lets face it, most college students are broke. I have been lucky enough to have well paying jobs the last 2 years. Buying whatever food I want has not been on issue or even a question. If I wanted healthy food, I bought it. Unfortunately, in the face of a failing economy, my waitress job is paying 1/3 of what it used pay. My tips are just enough to pay my rent, utilities and gas. As each month goes by, I am forced to grocery shop more and more by what is cheapest. When I start nursing school in January, I have no idea how I will be able to by healthy food.
So here I am, a typical college student. Obesity is a huge problem in the U.S., and yet the cost of healthy food is obscene. I am constantly being directed to eat the right foods, but how can I do it when I can't afford it? Am I supposed to give up my good and healthy eating habits so that I can afford to make my rent every month? How is this fair? Am I really supposed to start trading in my fresh Kula greens in for a 50 cent package of Ramen? And its an accepted way of life for the college student!!!! People tell me that its what I am supposed to do! Live off of Top Ramen Noodles! And Macaroni and Cheese! And its okay!
Why is it, that in this country, it is so difficult to eat the right foods? Didn't obesity take over alcohol as a leading cause of liver disease? What about diabetes? High blood pressure? Heart disease? Cancers?
This is really scary to me. Americans put really nasty, unhealthy food in their mouths without even thinking twice about it. Most Americans probably don't even realize the food they are eating will slowly kill them.
And why is it so difficult to change this????? Why does healthy food have to be so expensive?
The best thing I can do for myself at this point is eat in moderation and keep trying to get in decent exercise. But Im telling you, based on my genetics, I need both a good diet and exercise. I really can't have one without the other, or I won't stand a chance.
Kind of a frustrating topic for me.
On several occasions this weekend, I encountered conversational topics regarding obesity, overeating, and healthy v. unhealthy food. One conversation was a somewhat humorous story that actually had a really good ending. Despite the positive ending to the story, I had a difficult time laughing along the way. Why would I have a hard time laughing at a story about an obese person?
Believe it or not, obesity tends to run in family. And yes, it is a disease. It is a disgusting mind game. It is something I can completely relate to, because even at only 21 years of age, food has filled my head to an extent that can't possibly be healthy. But look at my genetics, and you can understand the constant source of my worry. I have never been a skinny person, and don't consider myself to be small. I am "pleasantly plump". And I am okay with that, really. But what about in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? I need to be aware of these things now, so I don't have to fight them in the future.
The difference between myself and some of my family is that I have been raised with a good amount of education on what a healthy diet consists of. I live in a part of the U.S. that in my opinion, provides a lot of access to healthy, fresh foods. It is my hope that I can look at the mistakes of my family and learn from them, apply the educational value of those mistakes to my life, and someday raise my own children to eat the right foods.
Here is my biggest dilemma and cause of frustration:
Most students gain 10-15 lbs during college. This is partially a result of exercise. But it is also because of the college students' diet. Lets face it, most college students are broke. I have been lucky enough to have well paying jobs the last 2 years. Buying whatever food I want has not been on issue or even a question. If I wanted healthy food, I bought it. Unfortunately, in the face of a failing economy, my waitress job is paying 1/3 of what it used pay. My tips are just enough to pay my rent, utilities and gas. As each month goes by, I am forced to grocery shop more and more by what is cheapest. When I start nursing school in January, I have no idea how I will be able to by healthy food.
So here I am, a typical college student. Obesity is a huge problem in the U.S., and yet the cost of healthy food is obscene. I am constantly being directed to eat the right foods, but how can I do it when I can't afford it? Am I supposed to give up my good and healthy eating habits so that I can afford to make my rent every month? How is this fair? Am I really supposed to start trading in my fresh Kula greens in for a 50 cent package of Ramen? And its an accepted way of life for the college student!!!! People tell me that its what I am supposed to do! Live off of Top Ramen Noodles! And Macaroni and Cheese! And its okay!
Why is it, that in this country, it is so difficult to eat the right foods? Didn't obesity take over alcohol as a leading cause of liver disease? What about diabetes? High blood pressure? Heart disease? Cancers?
This is really scary to me. Americans put really nasty, unhealthy food in their mouths without even thinking twice about it. Most Americans probably don't even realize the food they are eating will slowly kill them.
And why is it so difficult to change this????? Why does healthy food have to be so expensive?
The best thing I can do for myself at this point is eat in moderation and keep trying to get in decent exercise. But Im telling you, based on my genetics, I need both a good diet and exercise. I really can't have one without the other, or I won't stand a chance.
Kind of a frustrating topic for me.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Good Quote
- "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."
- -Maya Angelou
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Lets try again
Here I am again at Maui Coffee Roaster, only this time with a solid internet connection and a some seriously gorgeous weather. See, this is another reason to love Maui. Yesterday I loved the rain, and today I love the warm sunny breezy weather. Next week we are actually supposed to get 3 straight days of rain (so I hear) and I am really looking forward to it.
So what have I been up to?? Lets start with Thanksgiving. Wow. My favorite holiday for sure. Even better than Christmas! This year I was on Maui, I went to my Hot Sails Maui bosses house for a feast. Everyone brought delicious food and we ate on a luscious, green, palm tree covered yard only a few yards from the ocean. Before we even had time for our dinner and dessert to settle, us girls were ready for some water action.
After batting our eyes and politely smiling, Jeff offered us some standup/longboards for some light wind evening sailing. 5 or 6 of us cruised the coast as the sun began to set. Plenty of laughter filled the air as Laura and I doubled up on an old SUP board, practicing our balancing acts and pushing each other into the water.
When we returned to the beach, someone said to me "Was it fun? But there was no wind!" Don't you understand though????? Its not always about the perfect wind and waves and conditions. For my friends and I, its about US! We laugh and be silly and make fools of ourselves. What I love most about these girls is that no matter what the conditions, they find a way to make it work and have fun doing it. And we had a blast. And thats what Maui is about... finding ways to appreciate everything life has to offer. Laughing no matter what, because its all too wonderful to take too seriously and let it pass by.
Here are four of us girls on the beach before dinner.
We all work in the same building, they work for Kanaha Kai and I work for Hot Sails.

Here is the group eating, the shot was taken from the beach.

Collecting our food. There is me on the right, my best friend Laura in the green, and Ray is hiding his face for some reason..

Feeling so Thankful to live here...

Us heading out for light wind sailing...

Sunset over the West Maui Mountains

Not bad to be on the water in the evening!

After the sun went down, we all cleaned up and had a bonfire on the beach. Here is a crazy cool picture of me and Chiclet (Laura!)

We all sit around the fire

So that was my Thanksgiving! I missed the family this year, and as Christmas gets closer I miss them even more. All my roommates leave this next week, so it looks like it will just be me and Rocko to hold down the house!
So what else have I been up to?? Finals has been torturing me, ever so slowly. School itself isn't so hard as it was in California, but being on Maui makes it incredibly challenging to focus. In between school and work.....
Maria and I went tandem sailing! Two sails on one OVERSIZED board. No joke, the board we used is ridiculously large. After we sailed, we took one sail off and left one on...then we put four girls in bikinis on it. Yup, silly us, pretending to be Rose on Titanic...cruising across the water with are arms out. Our laughter could be heard all through Lowers Kanaha I'm sure. It was sooo fun. Next time I promise there will be pictures of all of us on the board.

Sometimes I meet up with the girls to surf. Last week we met up when it was still dark. The waves were less than epic, but it was fun anyways. We "synchronize surfed" and were trying to all catch the same waves. Aside from Lauras cut foot, it was the best way to start the day. We all parted ways for work and school, wishing the morning would last longer.
Left to right: Maria, Laura Kearsley, Laura Martinez, Aree, Me

Me and Laura

Laura's foot

Over Thanksgiving break, Ray came over to Oahu to hang out and spend time with his Maui buddies. While he was here, he got his first opportunity to head out on a jet ski for some Tow Surfing photos. For those who dont know, Tow Surfing is how you catch waves when they are too big to paddle into. A jet ski tows a surfer onto a huge wave with a rope similar to that used for water skiiing. When the surfer is on the wave he lets go of the rope and rides the wave. Jaws is an insanely huge waves that breaks a few times a year. On this particular day, my roommates Juan and Andres towed eachother onto Jaws and Ray sat on another jet ski for taking pictures.
Here is Jaws

Here is Juan and Andres, towing onto the wave

Pretty cool can see the surfer on the wave

The wave is soo big, and this is a SMALL day at Jaws!

So thats been my life lately!
My last final for school is Tuesday and what is today... oh...the 12th! EXACTLY one month until I begin nursing school!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight is the going away BBQ for my roommates, I'm going to miss them soooo much! This weekend I get to go to 2 Christmas dinner parties and maybe I will finally feel the holiday spririt. Its kinda hard to remember the time of year when the weather is so warm.
Miss you all sooo much!
Hope your school finals aren't killing you =)
much love
So what have I been up to?? Lets start with Thanksgiving. Wow. My favorite holiday for sure. Even better than Christmas! This year I was on Maui, I went to my Hot Sails Maui bosses house for a feast. Everyone brought delicious food and we ate on a luscious, green, palm tree covered yard only a few yards from the ocean. Before we even had time for our dinner and dessert to settle, us girls were ready for some water action.
After batting our eyes and politely smiling, Jeff offered us some standup/longboards for some light wind evening sailing. 5 or 6 of us cruised the coast as the sun began to set. Plenty of laughter filled the air as Laura and I doubled up on an old SUP board, practicing our balancing acts and pushing each other into the water.
When we returned to the beach, someone said to me "Was it fun? But there was no wind!" Don't you understand though????? Its not always about the perfect wind and waves and conditions. For my friends and I, its about US! We laugh and be silly and make fools of ourselves. What I love most about these girls is that no matter what the conditions, they find a way to make it work and have fun doing it. And we had a blast. And thats what Maui is about... finding ways to appreciate everything life has to offer. Laughing no matter what, because its all too wonderful to take too seriously and let it pass by.
Here are four of us girls on the beach before dinner.
We all work in the same building, they work for Kanaha Kai and I work for Hot Sails.

Here is the group eating, the shot was taken from the beach.

Collecting our food. There is me on the right, my best friend Laura in the green, and Ray is hiding his face for some reason..

Feeling so Thankful to live here...

Us heading out for light wind sailing...

Sunset over the West Maui Mountains

Not bad to be on the water in the evening!

After the sun went down, we all cleaned up and had a bonfire on the beach. Here is a crazy cool picture of me and Chiclet (Laura!)

We all sit around the fire

So that was my Thanksgiving! I missed the family this year, and as Christmas gets closer I miss them even more. All my roommates leave this next week, so it looks like it will just be me and Rocko to hold down the house!
So what else have I been up to?? Finals has been torturing me, ever so slowly. School itself isn't so hard as it was in California, but being on Maui makes it incredibly challenging to focus. In between school and work.....
Maria and I went tandem sailing! Two sails on one OVERSIZED board. No joke, the board we used is ridiculously large. After we sailed, we took one sail off and left one on...then we put four girls in bikinis on it. Yup, silly us, pretending to be Rose on Titanic...cruising across the water with are arms out. Our laughter could be heard all through Lowers Kanaha I'm sure. It was sooo fun. Next time I promise there will be pictures of all of us on the board.

Sometimes I meet up with the girls to surf. Last week we met up when it was still dark. The waves were less than epic, but it was fun anyways. We "synchronize surfed" and were trying to all catch the same waves. Aside from Lauras cut foot, it was the best way to start the day. We all parted ways for work and school, wishing the morning would last longer.
Left to right: Maria, Laura Kearsley, Laura Martinez, Aree, Me

Me and Laura

Laura's foot

Over Thanksgiving break, Ray came over to Oahu to hang out and spend time with his Maui buddies. While he was here, he got his first opportunity to head out on a jet ski for some Tow Surfing photos. For those who dont know, Tow Surfing is how you catch waves when they are too big to paddle into. A jet ski tows a surfer onto a huge wave with a rope similar to that used for water skiiing. When the surfer is on the wave he lets go of the rope and rides the wave. Jaws is an insanely huge waves that breaks a few times a year. On this particular day, my roommates Juan and Andres towed eachother onto Jaws and Ray sat on another jet ski for taking pictures.
Here is Jaws

Here is Juan and Andres, towing onto the wave

Pretty cool can see the surfer on the wave

The wave is soo big, and this is a SMALL day at Jaws!

So thats been my life lately!
My last final for school is Tuesday and what is today... oh...the 12th! EXACTLY one month until I begin nursing school!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight is the going away BBQ for my roommates, I'm going to miss them soooo much! This weekend I get to go to 2 Christmas dinner parties and maybe I will finally feel the holiday spririt. Its kinda hard to remember the time of year when the weather is so warm.
Miss you all sooo much!
Hope your school finals aren't killing you =)
much love
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I'm still here!
Okay okay soo much has happened since I posted last!! Thanksgiving in particular. Did I mention to anybody how thankful I am for sooo many things?!?! Its unbelievable. Everyday I am thanking something/someone (God??) for everything I have. Thanksgiving is definitely my favorite holiday, because its a chance to get people together (to eat good food!!) and spend some quality time with eachother. It just reminds me of how much I love my family and my friends, and how my life is always being shaped and molded by the amazing people that influence me.
Anyways, I have plenty to say (as always) and plenty of pictures, but the internet is really slow right now. I can't upload a single picture!
Today is a really wet and rainy day on Maui and I love it. All the beautiful and warm days on Maui make me really appreciate something I usually despise-- rain!
Gonna go make the most of the weather and relax, will post again with pics asap.
Love you all more than words could say =)
Anyways, I have plenty to say (as always) and plenty of pictures, but the internet is really slow right now. I can't upload a single picture!
Today is a really wet and rainy day on Maui and I love it. All the beautiful and warm days on Maui make me really appreciate something I usually despise-- rain!
Gonna go make the most of the weather and relax, will post again with pics asap.
Love you all more than words could say =)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Got Wind???
I was talking to some sailing buddies at the beach recently, and came up with a list of 8 reasons as to why you should sail with me:
1. You will always rig faster than me, even if I start 10 minutes before you. Its just the way it is. So you can feel really good about your rigging skills if you rig with me.
2. I will make you feel really smart, because no matter who you are or what skill level you are at, I will always ask if you think I have enough downhall. You would think I have it figured out by now..but no... I always need a second opinion no matter what the conditions.
3. I will taunt you while we rig, telling you how you should watch out because I will be ripping on the waves, or tell you to watch out for my spray when I fly past you fully powered, or tell you to stay out of my way when I go for my double forward loop. I will get you all pumped up to go out and have the best session of your life. This leads into number 4.
4. I am a pretty poor windsurfer, so you'll feel really good about yourself when you sail with me. Especially after I taunt you on the beach. You'll think I am doing pretty good, and then you will see me do something totally ridiculous and eat it on the water. That should put a smile on your face, especially when you see the look on my face, which brings us to number 5.
5. The looks on my face must be amazing. I usually am grinning (like an idiot), but on some days I am sure I have that "mama!" I'm scared look on my face. No matter what though, I seem to always have a good time, smiling and laughing.
6. Some of my catapults are pretty unbeatable. Even ask Nick, the last one he saw me do he claimed was top 3 for sure. He was laughing pretty hard at me, and I laughed until I cried and my ribs hurt.
7. I make bad windsurfing look good. Or at least I think I do. Sometimes my bikini bottoms slip off my cheeks, and I am too overpowered to pull them back up. This is a little more pesonal though, so you'll have to decide if this is good, funny, or just plain wrong. Its up for debate for sure. Hopefully it makes you laugh at least.
8. My favorite reason for you to windsurf with me is my friend Laura! She is almost waterstarting now and she is amazing. She is beautiful and looks better on a board and sail than I do without a doubt. Her grin is even bigger than mine, and she laughs more than I do. She is going to be my sailing buddy and its almost impossible to not have a good time with her around. And, she is Colombian. You will love her.
The last two days were ridiculously windy. I'm talking about the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-bikini hoping-it-stays-tied kind of windy. The kind that makes you think getting drug tied up behind a pickup truck going 60 mph might be a little easier on your body. And, I had a blast sailing in it.
Monday I had 2 hours between my two jobs and I went to Lowers to get a quick session in. Where was my brain when I check the wind forecast?!?! Why didn't I bring my 3.2 sail down from the house?!?! Why do I believe in torturing myself?? Well 3.8 was my smallest sail and I rigged anyways. I admit that I thought twice about it when I saw full grown men going out on 3.8 sails, but stubborness and maybe a little bit of stupidity won out. I suddenly forgot where I was. I back at Ram Tap Championships 3 years ago, leading Corona (my horse) to the warm-up arena? Because that is the one thing that stuck out in my mind as I struggled out over the Kanaha Reef. As I tried to waterstart my sail pulled hard on my hands. My board and sail fought me violently as held tight to the boom. Flashbacks of Corona dancing on the end of his line ran through my head. It amazes me that two completely different sports can feel so similar at such an intense moment. I remember Coronas athletic, lean, muscular body dancing alongside me. I remember him half-rearing and pulling at the leadrope in my hands to release his energy.
What makes me laugh is remembering seeing people walk by, staring with huge eyes at the massive animal parading along side me. Im sure they thought I was crazy, but there I was, grinning. Yes, like an idiot. I stayed calm and kept smiling, optimistic that he would soon put his energy to good use.
So here I was two days ago at Kanaha, still smiling to myself, optimistic that the wind would mellow out just enough for me to waterstart and cruise back in to the beach. It took time, and patience, but eventually I was back on my rig and flying across the water. I kept telling myself "just one more run"...and I eventually sailed the entire time, grinning like an idiot, making a fool of myself getting catapulted around. Some things never change.
Yesterday was a sweet day too. I know this is a really really long post (wait, aren't all my posts really long?) but I have to share it with you. I was on a 4.8 and I needed it to make it out. There was NOOOO wind on the inside and I almost swam out. I could see the windline clearly...and after a good slog, I reached it. Holy smokes, I needed a 3.8. My sail was waaay to big, but I stayed out anyways. As the sun slowly moved down, the wind shifted to a perfectly powered 4.8. For about 15 minutes I was cruising along, totally relaxed. In and out I went through the waves. Perfectly small, shoulder or head high at the most I think? I caught a perfect one, and I think I even rode it properly!! I unhooked my harness and slogged... waiting for the wave to push me. At last it caught up with me and I almost missed it. A bit of pumping and I suddenly glided down the face. I slid my back hand towards the clue and imagined an inside jibe. I carved down and then back to the top , still waiting for it to break. My sail felt so light in my hands, and my board felt so smooth and sensitive. Down again I went, carving along, pushing my toeside rail in. Really? Is this how its supposed to feel? This nice? I got in 3 turns like this before the wave broke. I came back up to the white water and went over it, and back down to ride straight in.
I did it :-D
I got three waves in that felt like that. And then the wind turned to overpowering gusty crap again. I got washed for a while and spent what felt like 30 minutes trying to get upwind again to where I launched. But it was all worth it for those three little waves I took, and I have been smiling ever since.
Aloha, and everyone have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am thankful for so much and I hope you are too.
Here are a few pictures of Corona. Most people here on Maui don't realize how important horses were (and still are) to me. Imagine how much time you put into water sports, how much thought and energy. Insert horsebackriding and competing horses there, and you can understand how dedicated I was to it.
Corona is for sale in California now, so that I can pay for my college tuition. So lame.

1. You will always rig faster than me, even if I start 10 minutes before you. Its just the way it is. So you can feel really good about your rigging skills if you rig with me.
2. I will make you feel really smart, because no matter who you are or what skill level you are at, I will always ask if you think I have enough downhall. You would think I have it figured out by now..but no... I always need a second opinion no matter what the conditions.
3. I will taunt you while we rig, telling you how you should watch out because I will be ripping on the waves, or tell you to watch out for my spray when I fly past you fully powered, or tell you to stay out of my way when I go for my double forward loop. I will get you all pumped up to go out and have the best session of your life. This leads into number 4.
4. I am a pretty poor windsurfer, so you'll feel really good about yourself when you sail with me. Especially after I taunt you on the beach. You'll think I am doing pretty good, and then you will see me do something totally ridiculous and eat it on the water. That should put a smile on your face, especially when you see the look on my face, which brings us to number 5.
5. The looks on my face must be amazing. I usually am grinning (like an idiot), but on some days I am sure I have that "mama!" I'm scared look on my face. No matter what though, I seem to always have a good time, smiling and laughing.
6. Some of my catapults are pretty unbeatable. Even ask Nick, the last one he saw me do he claimed was top 3 for sure. He was laughing pretty hard at me, and I laughed until I cried and my ribs hurt.
7. I make bad windsurfing look good. Or at least I think I do. Sometimes my bikini bottoms slip off my cheeks, and I am too overpowered to pull them back up. This is a little more pesonal though, so you'll have to decide if this is good, funny, or just plain wrong. Its up for debate for sure. Hopefully it makes you laugh at least.
8. My favorite reason for you to windsurf with me is my friend Laura! She is almost waterstarting now and she is amazing. She is beautiful and looks better on a board and sail than I do without a doubt. Her grin is even bigger than mine, and she laughs more than I do. She is going to be my sailing buddy and its almost impossible to not have a good time with her around. And, she is Colombian. You will love her.
The last two days were ridiculously windy. I'm talking about the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-bikini hoping-it-stays-tied kind of windy. The kind that makes you think getting drug tied up behind a pickup truck going 60 mph might be a little easier on your body. And, I had a blast sailing in it.
Monday I had 2 hours between my two jobs and I went to Lowers to get a quick session in. Where was my brain when I check the wind forecast?!?! Why didn't I bring my 3.2 sail down from the house?!?! Why do I believe in torturing myself?? Well 3.8 was my smallest sail and I rigged anyways. I admit that I thought twice about it when I saw full grown men going out on 3.8 sails, but stubborness and maybe a little bit of stupidity won out. I suddenly forgot where I was. I back at Ram Tap Championships 3 years ago, leading Corona (my horse) to the warm-up arena? Because that is the one thing that stuck out in my mind as I struggled out over the Kanaha Reef. As I tried to waterstart my sail pulled hard on my hands. My board and sail fought me violently as held tight to the boom. Flashbacks of Corona dancing on the end of his line ran through my head. It amazes me that two completely different sports can feel so similar at such an intense moment. I remember Coronas athletic, lean, muscular body dancing alongside me. I remember him half-rearing and pulling at the leadrope in my hands to release his energy.
What makes me laugh is remembering seeing people walk by, staring with huge eyes at the massive animal parading along side me. Im sure they thought I was crazy, but there I was, grinning. Yes, like an idiot. I stayed calm and kept smiling, optimistic that he would soon put his energy to good use.
So here I was two days ago at Kanaha, still smiling to myself, optimistic that the wind would mellow out just enough for me to waterstart and cruise back in to the beach. It took time, and patience, but eventually I was back on my rig and flying across the water. I kept telling myself "just one more run"...and I eventually sailed the entire time, grinning like an idiot, making a fool of myself getting catapulted around. Some things never change.
Yesterday was a sweet day too. I know this is a really really long post (wait, aren't all my posts really long?) but I have to share it with you. I was on a 4.8 and I needed it to make it out. There was NOOOO wind on the inside and I almost swam out. I could see the windline clearly...and after a good slog, I reached it. Holy smokes, I needed a 3.8. My sail was waaay to big, but I stayed out anyways. As the sun slowly moved down, the wind shifted to a perfectly powered 4.8. For about 15 minutes I was cruising along, totally relaxed. In and out I went through the waves. Perfectly small, shoulder or head high at the most I think? I caught a perfect one, and I think I even rode it properly!! I unhooked my harness and slogged... waiting for the wave to push me. At last it caught up with me and I almost missed it. A bit of pumping and I suddenly glided down the face. I slid my back hand towards the clue and imagined an inside jibe. I carved down and then back to the top , still waiting for it to break. My sail felt so light in my hands, and my board felt so smooth and sensitive. Down again I went, carving along, pushing my toeside rail in. Really? Is this how its supposed to feel? This nice? I got in 3 turns like this before the wave broke. I came back up to the white water and went over it, and back down to ride straight in.
I did it :-D
I got three waves in that felt like that. And then the wind turned to overpowering gusty crap again. I got washed for a while and spent what felt like 30 minutes trying to get upwind again to where I launched. But it was all worth it for those three little waves I took, and I have been smiling ever since.
Aloha, and everyone have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am thankful for so much and I hope you are too.
Here are a few pictures of Corona. Most people here on Maui don't realize how important horses were (and still are) to me. Imagine how much time you put into water sports, how much thought and energy. Insert horsebackriding and competing horses there, and you can understand how dedicated I was to it.
Corona is for sale in California now, so that I can pay for my college tuition. So lame.

Monday, November 17, 2008
I can't think of a title for this blog, as there are too many things running through my head. I feel like I am riding a bike straight downhill. Not as in, my life is going downhill, but rather the feeling you get. Free falling. Flying. My eyes are watering and I can't see where I am going, but it feels so good. My hair is whipped back like a dogs ears in the window of a car. No need to peddle, its just an effortless and mindless free fall. All I can hear is the clicking of the wheels of my bike that spin so fast. All that matters is the wind rushing past my ears...and maybe that I should stop smiling so much because at this rate I could end up with a lot of bugs in my teeth. But I am moving so fast I don't eat breakfast, so maybe a little protein won't hurt.
Everyone is high on stoke of winter swells, glassy conditions and some windy days. I'm stoked because everyone else is stoked. This winter is different...I have a new appreciation for waves that I didn't have last winter. I haven't been in the water as much as everyone else, but I have been in enough to boost my heart to carry through the necessary tasks in and work.
Friday night was pretty awesome. A spontaneous trip to the Haleakala Crater was planned. The last week didn't give me much sleep, so I tried not to look at my watch too much. I was exhausted to say the very least, but so excited to do something new on Maui!
We hiked down 4 miles in the moonlight with a couple coffee breaks. After pitching tents and snacking we crawled into sleeping bags....around 3am maybe? The cold air on the volcano only reminded me of one thing...TAHOE!
I kept thinking I could close my eyes and open them to find myself at Alpine Meadows or Homewood with my best friends, surrounded by crystal white snow. snow on Haleakala. My amazing and crazy girls were not there to experience this adventure with me, and it pulls a little on my heart. (Fingers still crossed for winter break though..just in case!)
The morning brought an adventure through the lava tube. Pitch black and sometimes a little tight on space, I loved it. The darkness there felt so true to me, not a speck of light when we clicked off the flashlights.
The hike up was...well....a hike uphill.... The best part was stopping to catch my breath. Haha nooo not JUST to catch my breath, but to look around and check out the view. Steep cliffs going down to the base of the crater, and beatiful pieces of fog stringing themselves up the sides, always moving and changes and reshaping. The sun was warm and comforting, but the cold stringy clouds invigorated and refreshed me.
Reaching the top was as good as I thought it would be, but looking back, I realize the journey itself was much better than being up top. I like the thoughts that went through my mind as we did it, and I like the people I was with.
Now its back to "reality", with work to be done, 2 exams to study for, and.... more time on the water I hope. My reality isn't so bad :-)
Sorry guys...I forgot my batteries for my camera so I didn't get to take pictures :-(
But I stole a few from Amir...
Here is a little piece of the hike up the mountain, doesn't look so bad.

A little bit of the can see the grassy base we went down to.

And here we are at the base, headed up!

Nitsan and I. Please note the mountain in the far back is what I hiked up :-)

Me and the little Brazillian beauty, Danielle.

Matan, Danielle and Amir going into the Lava Tube.

She is adorable... I think I am gonna miss her. (She is on her way to Brazil right now)

Nitsan and Matan at the entrance of the Lava tube.

Sorry..I thought I had this rotated and I am too lazy to figure it out right now. But you can still see... bread..cream cheese....yummy Israeli coffee...tomatoes and cucumbers...sardines....
Wait! Sardines? Umm I didn't eat the sardines.

Relaxing after breakfast.

Danielle, Amir and I.

At the picnic table...breakfast I guess?

I guess I did something I have never done and really loved it. I definitely want to do it again, but next time on a horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a sweet monday everyone.
I love you.
Everyone is high on stoke of winter swells, glassy conditions and some windy days. I'm stoked because everyone else is stoked. This winter is different...I have a new appreciation for waves that I didn't have last winter. I haven't been in the water as much as everyone else, but I have been in enough to boost my heart to carry through the necessary tasks in and work.
Friday night was pretty awesome. A spontaneous trip to the Haleakala Crater was planned. The last week didn't give me much sleep, so I tried not to look at my watch too much. I was exhausted to say the very least, but so excited to do something new on Maui!
We hiked down 4 miles in the moonlight with a couple coffee breaks. After pitching tents and snacking we crawled into sleeping bags....around 3am maybe? The cold air on the volcano only reminded me of one thing...TAHOE!
I kept thinking I could close my eyes and open them to find myself at Alpine Meadows or Homewood with my best friends, surrounded by crystal white snow. snow on Haleakala. My amazing and crazy girls were not there to experience this adventure with me, and it pulls a little on my heart. (Fingers still crossed for winter break though..just in case!)
The morning brought an adventure through the lava tube. Pitch black and sometimes a little tight on space, I loved it. The darkness there felt so true to me, not a speck of light when we clicked off the flashlights.
The hike up was...well....a hike uphill.... The best part was stopping to catch my breath. Haha nooo not JUST to catch my breath, but to look around and check out the view. Steep cliffs going down to the base of the crater, and beatiful pieces of fog stringing themselves up the sides, always moving and changes and reshaping. The sun was warm and comforting, but the cold stringy clouds invigorated and refreshed me.
Reaching the top was as good as I thought it would be, but looking back, I realize the journey itself was much better than being up top. I like the thoughts that went through my mind as we did it, and I like the people I was with.
Now its back to "reality", with work to be done, 2 exams to study for, and.... more time on the water I hope. My reality isn't so bad :-)
Sorry guys...I forgot my batteries for my camera so I didn't get to take pictures :-(
But I stole a few from Amir...
Here is a little piece of the hike up the mountain, doesn't look so bad.

A little bit of the can see the grassy base we went down to.

And here we are at the base, headed up!

Nitsan and I. Please note the mountain in the far back is what I hiked up :-)

Me and the little Brazillian beauty, Danielle.

Matan, Danielle and Amir going into the Lava Tube.

She is adorable... I think I am gonna miss her. (She is on her way to Brazil right now)

Nitsan and Matan at the entrance of the Lava tube.

Sorry..I thought I had this rotated and I am too lazy to figure it out right now. But you can still see... bread..cream cheese....yummy Israeli coffee...tomatoes and cucumbers...sardines....
Wait! Sardines? Umm I didn't eat the sardines.

Relaxing after breakfast.

Danielle, Amir and I.

At the picnic table...breakfast I guess?

I guess I did something I have never done and really loved it. I definitely want to do it again, but next time on a horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a sweet monday everyone.
I love you.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Like a Rockstar
Lovely day.
Surf Hookipa.
Get one particularly successful wave.
Almost take out someones teeth with my board.
Don't let the shorebreak eat me for breakfast.
Go to Anthonys Coffee.
Wait 15 minutes for my grub.
Spill my entire coffee down my car at HSM.
Call for caffeine backups.
Proceed to try every line of Rockstar energy drinks available at cash'n'carry.
Finish work on an incredible caffeine buzz.
Go to Hookipa, decide not to surf.
Get dumped on by rain.
The rest was a surprising and wonderful evening.
I have realized, maybe I am shy.
Lunch tomorrow will be better than ever.
"in a world of lemons, you're a real peach"
Surf Hookipa.
Get one particularly successful wave.
Almost take out someones teeth with my board.
Don't let the shorebreak eat me for breakfast.
Go to Anthonys Coffee.
Wait 15 minutes for my grub.
Spill my entire coffee down my car at HSM.
Call for caffeine backups.
Proceed to try every line of Rockstar energy drinks available at cash'n'carry.
Finish work on an incredible caffeine buzz.
Go to Hookipa, decide not to surf.
Get dumped on by rain.
The rest was a surprising and wonderful evening.
I have realized, maybe I am shy.
Lunch tomorrow will be better than ever.
"in a world of lemons, you're a real peach"
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Another few days on the rock
This post is going to begin with some incredible sunset pictures. (yes, I know I am obsessed but this one was amaaaazing!) I didn't touch the photos at all, just uploaded them straight from the camera. It was an icky, cloudy, cold, windless day. After a painful evening of work, I went to watch Laura surf...when suddenly.......

The skies turned to the most brilliant colors...

It looks more like lava to me..

The West Maui Mountain sunsets sure don't disappoint!

One of my favorite reasons for living in Haiku.
The last few weeks I have somehow found myself eating the most delicious food. A few times a week I am over at a different friends house for an amazing feast! In fact, almost every Sunday we have been going to Ala/Laura Ks/The Frenchies amazing Kuau house. We all pitch in and buy some food from Mana Foods, cook together and chill out on the porch. Its so nice to cook with other people. I really hate cooking alone at home which is why I just finished off a round of leftovers.

I have been working hard lately! This morning was busy at the restaurant, which should be great, but people just haven't been tipping well lately.Everyone must be feeling the empty pockets that I am beginning to feel. Despite my low funds, I have been considering going home for the holidays anyways. No doubt it will be expensive, but it will be worth it. I want to see the siblings so much! And Mom and Dad! And all my friends! I looked up plane ticket prices (they went down again!) and am thinking about how cool it would be to fly to Washington, then to California and after new years come back to Maui. I am keeping my fingers crossed, and you should cross yours for me too!
Here is small fry (rocko) at the Hot Sails/Kanaha Kai shop.

I am hard at work, and Rocko is hardly working.
Oh wait..what am I thinking?! Rocko Chops is turning into the offical door mat for the place. Does that count as work? He thinks so.

As many of you know, Maui has had some amazing water conditions lately. There were a few days that I was up at 6am to go surfing, at work or school by 9am, and then windsurfing afterwards. Its been sooo nice!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing better than getting in the water first thing!
Unfortunately the showers at the beaches have been shut off. Thursday I was running late for class and the showers weren't working. After the Hookipa shorebreak devoured me and my longboard for breakfast, I was covered in a thick layer of sand. I rinsed as best as I could with a waterbottle and sped to school. To class I arrived with wet hair, boardshorts and covered in sand. Everytime I moved sand would drop to the ground. My classmates and teacher don't seem to mind and get a good laugh from me. Going to school on Maui is so strange.
I had a particularly awesome session at Sprecks a few days ago. The wind was blowing a perfect (sometimes overpowered) 4.3 for me. Frenchy and I hit the water with huge grins and high expectations. We were not let down! The waves were perfect for me - - about shoulder high, some bigger and some smaller. It was breaking really nicely... almost peeley. I started out on the edge of the break, just trying to catch the smallest ends. As my confidence increased I worked my way inward and really tried to get some turns in on them. Sooooo fun! I still have a phobia of having to look through the sail to see down the line, but am getting more used to it.
My new board, I love, but am definitely noticing some things about it:
1. It doesn't plane to quick, and even seems a bit slow. I guess that should be expected though, a twin fin wave board.
2. Jibing is pretty much...well...impossible for me. The thing is soo super sensitive! I really am concentrating on keeping my feet steady and weight on the inside rail and it seems to help. I am getting a little bit closer though!
3. Who needs jibing when there are all these waves and bumps and chop to play in?!?! I have plenty of time to jibe next summer when its flat flat flat.
4. My board is really really fun to jump with. Super light and controllable, easy to point downwind on landing.
4. I don't care what you say about the colors/graphics on my board, I think its beautiful.
5. My board needs a name. I will come up with a good one soon.
I love Maui, but I love you more. I can't wait until I get to see each and every one of you, whether it be tomorrow, next week, this Christmas, or next summer.

The skies turned to the most brilliant colors...

It looks more like lava to me..

The West Maui Mountain sunsets sure don't disappoint!

One of my favorite reasons for living in Haiku.
The last few weeks I have somehow found myself eating the most delicious food. A few times a week I am over at a different friends house for an amazing feast! In fact, almost every Sunday we have been going to Ala/Laura Ks/The Frenchies amazing Kuau house. We all pitch in and buy some food from Mana Foods, cook together and chill out on the porch. Its so nice to cook with other people. I really hate cooking alone at home which is why I just finished off a round of leftovers.

I have been working hard lately! This morning was busy at the restaurant, which should be great, but people just haven't been tipping well lately.Everyone must be feeling the empty pockets that I am beginning to feel. Despite my low funds, I have been considering going home for the holidays anyways. No doubt it will be expensive, but it will be worth it. I want to see the siblings so much! And Mom and Dad! And all my friends! I looked up plane ticket prices (they went down again!) and am thinking about how cool it would be to fly to Washington, then to California and after new years come back to Maui. I am keeping my fingers crossed, and you should cross yours for me too!
Here is small fry (rocko) at the Hot Sails/Kanaha Kai shop.

I am hard at work, and Rocko is hardly working.
Oh wait..what am I thinking?! Rocko Chops is turning into the offical door mat for the place. Does that count as work? He thinks so.

As many of you know, Maui has had some amazing water conditions lately. There were a few days that I was up at 6am to go surfing, at work or school by 9am, and then windsurfing afterwards. Its been sooo nice!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing better than getting in the water first thing!
Unfortunately the showers at the beaches have been shut off. Thursday I was running late for class and the showers weren't working. After the Hookipa shorebreak devoured me and my longboard for breakfast, I was covered in a thick layer of sand. I rinsed as best as I could with a waterbottle and sped to school. To class I arrived with wet hair, boardshorts and covered in sand. Everytime I moved sand would drop to the ground. My classmates and teacher don't seem to mind and get a good laugh from me. Going to school on Maui is so strange.
I had a particularly awesome session at Sprecks a few days ago. The wind was blowing a perfect (sometimes overpowered) 4.3 for me. Frenchy and I hit the water with huge grins and high expectations. We were not let down! The waves were perfect for me - - about shoulder high, some bigger and some smaller. It was breaking really nicely... almost peeley. I started out on the edge of the break, just trying to catch the smallest ends. As my confidence increased I worked my way inward and really tried to get some turns in on them. Sooooo fun! I still have a phobia of having to look through the sail to see down the line, but am getting more used to it.
My new board, I love, but am definitely noticing some things about it:
1. It doesn't plane to quick, and even seems a bit slow. I guess that should be expected though, a twin fin wave board.
2. Jibing is pretty much...well...impossible for me. The thing is soo super sensitive! I really am concentrating on keeping my feet steady and weight on the inside rail and it seems to help. I am getting a little bit closer though!
3. Who needs jibing when there are all these waves and bumps and chop to play in?!?! I have plenty of time to jibe next summer when its flat flat flat.
4. My board is really really fun to jump with. Super light and controllable, easy to point downwind on landing.
4. I don't care what you say about the colors/graphics on my board, I think its beautiful.
5. My board needs a name. I will come up with a good one soon.
I love Maui, but I love you more. I can't wait until I get to see each and every one of you, whether it be tomorrow, next week, this Christmas, or next summer.
Monday, November 3, 2008
the pirates life for me
First off--
Yesterday I worked until late afternoon and missed some excellent time on the water. Today I worked at Hot Sails from 9ish to 1ish and at the restaurant at 3. Soo...what did I do between my long work hours?!?!
Yep. Scooted down to Kanaha for a quick session. Didn't even go down to scope the water first. Just a quick glance from my car and a split decision that I would later regret...among other regrets. I decided to go with my 4.8, because my last few sessions have ended up with me getting my slogging on. With only about an hour of actual time on the water, I figured I should make sure to have plenty of power. Yup.
Plenty of power....check.
My first few runs were great, the wind felt great. And then it went up a notch. Or ten notches. Okay, honestly? I was careening out of control like a wound-up toy let loose across the ground. Still grinning (like an idiot, of course), I decided to cruise back in and adjust my sail a bit. I looked towards the cove and saw a dark haired person with a red rash gaurd and orange sail. Laura! Yay!
I headed straight for her (still grinning like an idiot and now paying no attention to what else is going on). Suddenly, the wind disappeared. Ohhhh the beauty of straight east side-shore wind. I fell in the water. And wrestled my gear. For 15 minutes. No wind. Not even a breath of breeze. I stopped struggling and looked towards the Laura. Only a dark haired boy in a red rashgaurd.
Now what?? Swim towards a windline...which almost seems like a figment of imagination, just as seeing Laura was?? Or swim towards the beach, which seems sooo far away. I checked my watch and gave myself 10 minutes before I should be walking my gear back to my car to make it to work on time. And then I swam towards what I hoped to be wind.
After struggling to waterstart, a good gust gave me just the push I needed. And then I was careening out of control again. Sweet. Turn around and head in. I entered into the no-wind zone and slogged towards the beach. I then swam the last 15 feet. Lovely.
I think I set a new record for how fast I can de-rig, shower and make it to work at the restaurant. 15 minutes and I was walking into work with hair dripping wet, wrapped up in a towel and work clothes in my hands. Hahaha. I thought it was great...
Despite a really lame shift at work, I was incredibly cheerful and feeling really good. I credit it to my eventful hour on the water. I wanted some pictures to with..but obviously due to my limited time today, it didnt happen.
But, I have Halloweeeen pictures!
Everyone that told me that Halloween was the devils birthday when I was a kid is soooooo lame. This is one of my favorite holidays. An excuse to dress up? Count me in!
The night wasn't what I originally envisioned, but it turned out to be fantastic anyways. I was a pirate and am happy to say that I made almost my entire costime with random pieces of clothing I bought for really cheap at Savers. My hair was real, no wig and it looked sweet. I love dressing up. I didn't when I was little though..maybe I am making up for it now.
Here are us girls!
Me, pirate.
Laura, Bunny (nooooot a playboy bunny. just a cute little bunny rabbit okay?)
Emilie, Superwoman.

And here is Emilie and Nicolas (aka Frenchy). They are my two favorite French people.

Oh look! Yours truly, dressed and ready.

Here is me with my fellow pirate, Matan! We were the best looking pirates I saw all night.

Derek. Can you guess what he was??....

A shark attack!!!
I wish I had more action shots, but my camera doesn't work so well for packing around. I need to buy a little sized digital camera.
Overall, the night was fabulous. Plenty of dancing at Jacques with all my closest friends. A random hippy party at the cannery. I danced on a table in the middle of dance floor...I guess I can check that off of things to do before I die! I didn't think I was too drunk, but after a random search for a bathroom that ended up being locked...I realized that it was probably time cut myself off and head home.
Nothing felt better than crawling into my bed at the end of the night!
Thanks to Juanito for being our sober driver :-D
Yesterday I worked until late afternoon and missed some excellent time on the water. Today I worked at Hot Sails from 9ish to 1ish and at the restaurant at 3. Soo...what did I do between my long work hours?!?!
Yep. Scooted down to Kanaha for a quick session. Didn't even go down to scope the water first. Just a quick glance from my car and a split decision that I would later regret...among other regrets. I decided to go with my 4.8, because my last few sessions have ended up with me getting my slogging on. With only about an hour of actual time on the water, I figured I should make sure to have plenty of power. Yup.
Plenty of power....check.
My first few runs were great, the wind felt great. And then it went up a notch. Or ten notches. Okay, honestly? I was careening out of control like a wound-up toy let loose across the ground. Still grinning (like an idiot, of course), I decided to cruise back in and adjust my sail a bit. I looked towards the cove and saw a dark haired person with a red rash gaurd and orange sail. Laura! Yay!
I headed straight for her (still grinning like an idiot and now paying no attention to what else is going on). Suddenly, the wind disappeared. Ohhhh the beauty of straight east side-shore wind. I fell in the water. And wrestled my gear. For 15 minutes. No wind. Not even a breath of breeze. I stopped struggling and looked towards the Laura. Only a dark haired boy in a red rashgaurd.
Now what?? Swim towards a windline...which almost seems like a figment of imagination, just as seeing Laura was?? Or swim towards the beach, which seems sooo far away. I checked my watch and gave myself 10 minutes before I should be walking my gear back to my car to make it to work on time. And then I swam towards what I hoped to be wind.
After struggling to waterstart, a good gust gave me just the push I needed. And then I was careening out of control again. Sweet. Turn around and head in. I entered into the no-wind zone and slogged towards the beach. I then swam the last 15 feet. Lovely.
I think I set a new record for how fast I can de-rig, shower and make it to work at the restaurant. 15 minutes and I was walking into work with hair dripping wet, wrapped up in a towel and work clothes in my hands. Hahaha. I thought it was great...
Despite a really lame shift at work, I was incredibly cheerful and feeling really good. I credit it to my eventful hour on the water. I wanted some pictures to with..but obviously due to my limited time today, it didnt happen.
But, I have Halloweeeen pictures!
Everyone that told me that Halloween was the devils birthday when I was a kid is soooooo lame. This is one of my favorite holidays. An excuse to dress up? Count me in!
The night wasn't what I originally envisioned, but it turned out to be fantastic anyways. I was a pirate and am happy to say that I made almost my entire costime with random pieces of clothing I bought for really cheap at Savers. My hair was real, no wig and it looked sweet. I love dressing up. I didn't when I was little though..maybe I am making up for it now.
Here are us girls!
Me, pirate.
Laura, Bunny (nooooot a playboy bunny. just a cute little bunny rabbit okay?)
Emilie, Superwoman.
And here is Emilie and Nicolas (aka Frenchy). They are my two favorite French people.
Oh look! Yours truly, dressed and ready.
Here is me with my fellow pirate, Matan! We were the best looking pirates I saw all night.
Derek. Can you guess what he was??....
A shark attack!!!
I wish I had more action shots, but my camera doesn't work so well for packing around. I need to buy a little sized digital camera.
Overall, the night was fabulous. Plenty of dancing at Jacques with all my closest friends. A random hippy party at the cannery. I danced on a table in the middle of dance floor...I guess I can check that off of things to do before I die! I didn't think I was too drunk, but after a random search for a bathroom that ended up being locked...I realized that it was probably time cut myself off and head home.
Nothing felt better than crawling into my bed at the end of the night!
Thanks to Juanito for being our sober driver :-D
Let it beeee
The most important thing to know about me right now..
I am me and that is whoever I want to be. For the second, for the minute, the day or weeks...I dont care. I am who I want to be, when I want to be, with whoever I want. I can't stick to my guns because everyday I learn something new about myself. Its pretty amazing. So let it be and let me be.
Its the beauty of being free.
Halloween pictures soon to come.
More on-the-water talk soon to come.
I am me and that is whoever I want to be. For the second, for the minute, the day or weeks...I dont care. I am who I want to be, when I want to be, with whoever I want. I can't stick to my guns because everyday I learn something new about myself. Its pretty amazing. So let it be and let me be.
Its the beauty of being free.
Halloween pictures soon to come.
More on-the-water talk soon to come.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
totally random but important to me
This is a really long post and it has almost nothing to do with my Maui life. Sorry, I am not including any pictures. If you don’t have the time or the desire to read it than that’s fine, but its on my mind and feels better to put it in words. I hope it comes across the way I felt it.
My chest feels heavy and my heart feels numb. My eyes burn from holding back the elephant tears that my conscience insists on strategically placing in the corners of my eyes.
I just sat through the most amazing presentation in my Microbiology Lecture class. The alleged main educational topic: Malaria.
The supporting topic: Nursing in Africa.
My teacher invited a close friend to inform us about the parasitic disease, Malaria. Her personal experience comes from an 8-month journey through the most desolate and deprived villages of Kenya, Africa. Her story and photos touched every heart of my 67-student class. Not one of us walked away without questioning the purpose of our lives and the reason we want to become nurses and doctors.
She graduated from the same nursing program that I will begin in January. Immediately after receiving her licensure and degree as an RN, she embarked on a journey to Africa to make a difference. She was tired of sending her money to a faceless organization in hopes that she could help feed a newborn infant, send a child to elementary school, or provide medicine for an impoverished mother dying of AIDS/HIV, Malaria or some other vicious disease. She made a decision to fly to Africa and see first-hand for herself where her money was going.
Most nurses will tell you that your first year working in the field is like being in school still. It is learning how to apply everything school has taught with real, live patients. It is an incredibly challenging feat to make the transition from Nursing Student to Practicing Registered Nurse. The fact that this woman went straight into Africa blows my mind and even she admits that it was a task that she was not quite ready for.
But then she told us that no amount of nursing experience in a hospital could have prepared her for what she saw and experienced. She was put in situations to practice completely out of her scope. She became the magical, white “doctor” of the village. She could not save many people, and yet there was nobody better than her to do the job. Death, dismemberment and disease became apart of her daily routine. She cried herself to sleep almost every night for her first month. Her personal hut was made of mud walls and cow manure floors. She had one spare bed that was to provide a place for the patient who needed her the most for the night. It wasn’t long before as many as 14 sick children were snuggled up in her hut.
She recalled how the children adored her. At first she feared the sicknesses and disease and taught the children to raise the “shaka” sign and call out “eh brah!” in the mornings rather than shake her hand. Her 6-mile daily walk to the “clinic” was littered with hundreds of children running from the fields and huts to raise their new friendship symbol to the village medical savior. By the end of her trip she almost couldn’t peel the little ones off of her. She was in such personal and close contact with them that her health and safety were at risk. At this point she realized it did not matter. She was there to make a difference and could not let the opportunities pass her by.
At one point she was infected with Malaria and found herself near death in a hospital bed with an untrained nurse to start her IV. After the nurse left she looked down to find that the needle was inserted into her skin and then poking out again. All the medication was dripping down her arm and onto the floor. In near delusion the Malaria causes, she pulled out the IV and restarted it again into her own arm. Had she not been conscious enough to do this, she would have died.
There is no doubt that the mission she went on was dangerous. She did not choose the average organized trip to Africa with her church, or the 3 week African Safari with her friends. There are many companies and organizations that round up a group of people to educate and build homes for the poor. These are without a doubt selfless and admirable ways to give help to Africa, but she chose to go her own route. She went to the depths of Kenya and picked the worst places she could find. This woman literally described these villages as “The hell holes of Africa”.
Her speech not only made me think twice about my dreams of going to Africa, but it made me realize many of my reasons for wanting to become a nurse. Not only do I want to see the world, but also I want to make a difference in it. I don’t want to just donate to a cause; I want to be the change that the world needs. I want to personally save a life or comfort one that will not be saved. I want to give other children a chance to have the opportunities that I have been blessed with and make sure that I don’t waste the resources that I have been given.
I want to be the change that I want to see in the world.
My chest feels heavy and my heart feels numb. My eyes burn from holding back the elephant tears that my conscience insists on strategically placing in the corners of my eyes.
I just sat through the most amazing presentation in my Microbiology Lecture class. The alleged main educational topic: Malaria.
The supporting topic: Nursing in Africa.
My teacher invited a close friend to inform us about the parasitic disease, Malaria. Her personal experience comes from an 8-month journey through the most desolate and deprived villages of Kenya, Africa. Her story and photos touched every heart of my 67-student class. Not one of us walked away without questioning the purpose of our lives and the reason we want to become nurses and doctors.
She graduated from the same nursing program that I will begin in January. Immediately after receiving her licensure and degree as an RN, she embarked on a journey to Africa to make a difference. She was tired of sending her money to a faceless organization in hopes that she could help feed a newborn infant, send a child to elementary school, or provide medicine for an impoverished mother dying of AIDS/HIV, Malaria or some other vicious disease. She made a decision to fly to Africa and see first-hand for herself where her money was going.
Most nurses will tell you that your first year working in the field is like being in school still. It is learning how to apply everything school has taught with real, live patients. It is an incredibly challenging feat to make the transition from Nursing Student to Practicing Registered Nurse. The fact that this woman went straight into Africa blows my mind and even she admits that it was a task that she was not quite ready for.
But then she told us that no amount of nursing experience in a hospital could have prepared her for what she saw and experienced. She was put in situations to practice completely out of her scope. She became the magical, white “doctor” of the village. She could not save many people, and yet there was nobody better than her to do the job. Death, dismemberment and disease became apart of her daily routine. She cried herself to sleep almost every night for her first month. Her personal hut was made of mud walls and cow manure floors. She had one spare bed that was to provide a place for the patient who needed her the most for the night. It wasn’t long before as many as 14 sick children were snuggled up in her hut.
She recalled how the children adored her. At first she feared the sicknesses and disease and taught the children to raise the “shaka” sign and call out “eh brah!” in the mornings rather than shake her hand. Her 6-mile daily walk to the “clinic” was littered with hundreds of children running from the fields and huts to raise their new friendship symbol to the village medical savior. By the end of her trip she almost couldn’t peel the little ones off of her. She was in such personal and close contact with them that her health and safety were at risk. At this point she realized it did not matter. She was there to make a difference and could not let the opportunities pass her by.
At one point she was infected with Malaria and found herself near death in a hospital bed with an untrained nurse to start her IV. After the nurse left she looked down to find that the needle was inserted into her skin and then poking out again. All the medication was dripping down her arm and onto the floor. In near delusion the Malaria causes, she pulled out the IV and restarted it again into her own arm. Had she not been conscious enough to do this, she would have died.
There is no doubt that the mission she went on was dangerous. She did not choose the average organized trip to Africa with her church, or the 3 week African Safari with her friends. There are many companies and organizations that round up a group of people to educate and build homes for the poor. These are without a doubt selfless and admirable ways to give help to Africa, but she chose to go her own route. She went to the depths of Kenya and picked the worst places she could find. This woman literally described these villages as “The hell holes of Africa”.
Her speech not only made me think twice about my dreams of going to Africa, but it made me realize many of my reasons for wanting to become a nurse. Not only do I want to see the world, but also I want to make a difference in it. I don’t want to just donate to a cause; I want to be the change that the world needs. I want to personally save a life or comfort one that will not be saved. I want to give other children a chance to have the opportunities that I have been blessed with and make sure that I don’t waste the resources that I have been given.
I want to be the change that I want to see in the world.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Todays Examination
1. 20/40 vision in both eyes
2. Poor hearing in left ear
3. Anemic
4. Wisdom teeth growing in
5. Scoliosis throughout entire back
1. I really need glasses (at least I look cute in them!)
2. I will have to spring for the better--more expensive--stethoscope to accommodate for the poor hearing in my left ear. (I know this goes back to that time 3 years ago at the Flumes I jumped off the 40 ft rock and tweaked my left ear drum...dang it)
3. I need to eat a lot more red meat and start taking iron supplements (I am sooo bad at taking pills regularly!).
4. It is highly suggested that I look into getting dental insurance and get those wisdom teeth removed ( I knoooow I feel them back there every day!)
5. I need to strengthen the entire right side of my back (but luckily windsurfing and surfing are perfect for this).
Physical exam/vaccinations for nursing school: $200.00
Ibuprofen for sore muscles after shots: $2.00
Good health: Priceless
1. 20/40 vision in both eyes
2. Poor hearing in left ear
3. Anemic
4. Wisdom teeth growing in
5. Scoliosis throughout entire back
1. I really need glasses (at least I look cute in them!)
2. I will have to spring for the better--more expensive--stethoscope to accommodate for the poor hearing in my left ear. (I know this goes back to that time 3 years ago at the Flumes I jumped off the 40 ft rock and tweaked my left ear drum...dang it)
3. I need to eat a lot more red meat and start taking iron supplements (I am sooo bad at taking pills regularly!).
4. It is highly suggested that I look into getting dental insurance and get those wisdom teeth removed ( I knoooow I feel them back there every day!)
5. I need to strengthen the entire right side of my back (but luckily windsurfing and surfing are perfect for this).
Physical exam/vaccinations for nursing school: $200.00
Ibuprofen for sore muscles after shots: $2.00
Good health: Priceless
Monday, October 27, 2008
A pause in the day.
Here I am at 11am sitting at Maui Coffee Roasters doing a whole lot of nothing. I got to work and my computer isn't working so I can't work. I came here to watch my Pharmacology lecture but the internet is going to slow for it to load. I have to go work at the Ale House in a couple hours. I wish I could quit there but the money has been too good during football season. I hate how money finds a way to regulate the fun parts of my life.
On a good note: I am staring my 10th week of the semester and there are only 8 weeks left! Im over the mid-semester hump and can start counting the days down until Christmas.
It looks like I will be around Maui over Christmas...the first time EVER I wont be spending it with family. :-( But I hear Christmas always brings the best wind and waves so I'm staying optimistic!
The last few days have been really fun on the water. I went to Kazuma and they gave me a BRAND NEW fish to try out! I am really impressed with the customer service I got there and enjoyed the atmoshphere. I had a blast at Paia Bay this weekend and this morning Hookipa was amazingly glassy and perfect size for me. I love the 6 a.m crowd at Pavillions on days like today. Super friendly and happy to be the first in the water :-)
Wind might be back tomorrow but I have a Dr. appointment right after school...lots of shots and stuff for Nursing School. I hate getting poked with needles. Hope to see you back on the water on Wednesday though....
On a good note: I am staring my 10th week of the semester and there are only 8 weeks left! Im over the mid-semester hump and can start counting the days down until Christmas.
It looks like I will be around Maui over Christmas...the first time EVER I wont be spending it with family. :-( But I hear Christmas always brings the best wind and waves so I'm staying optimistic!
The last few days have been really fun on the water. I went to Kazuma and they gave me a BRAND NEW fish to try out! I am really impressed with the customer service I got there and enjoyed the atmoshphere. I had a blast at Paia Bay this weekend and this morning Hookipa was amazingly glassy and perfect size for me. I love the 6 a.m crowd at Pavillions on days like today. Super friendly and happy to be the first in the water :-)
Wind might be back tomorrow but I have a Dr. appointment right after school...lots of shots and stuff for Nursing School. I hate getting poked with needles. Hope to see you back on the water on Wednesday though....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
And the catapult of the day award goes to.....yours truly.
Yesterday was fun. I worked at HSM for a while until I got distracted talking to people downstairs. I need Ala here to keep feeding me things to do at my desk! (get well quick Ala!). So I finally gave in and went down to Kanaha to catch some of the wind.
Soooo fun at first...sooo overpowered on my 4.3 and loving it. Loving my new board. I started by chasing Andres Martinez around. He threw a couple forwards RIGHT next to me and I was stoked. He made them look so easy. He disappeard to go back to work and then Nick Warmuth was out. I chased him for a bit too..and he was throwing freestyle moves that I can't even name. I have no clue what he was doing but it was beautiful. Next I tagged Frenchy and back and forth we went seeing who could make the most jibes. Obviously he won by a lot.
My only problem was my harness lines being a little off...but I was too lazy to adjust them. Sounds lame right? I got launched pretty good a few times (it was super gusty!)
So then came the launch of the day. Sorry Aaron, I think I stole your title for a couple minutes. Nick had a front row view of it. I was coming in on the inside and going for a jibe. Im not really sure what got stuck (my foot? harness lines??) It all happened so fast... I ended up sitting cross-legged on top of my sail, laughing until tears came. Nick was laughing pretty hard too. Top 10 he said.
I guess if I can't be the best sailor, I can at least try for top catapulter....?!!??
Then the wind died completely and I slogged back in.
Soooo fun at first...sooo overpowered on my 4.3 and loving it. Loving my new board. I started by chasing Andres Martinez around. He threw a couple forwards RIGHT next to me and I was stoked. He made them look so easy. He disappeard to go back to work and then Nick Warmuth was out. I chased him for a bit too..and he was throwing freestyle moves that I can't even name. I have no clue what he was doing but it was beautiful. Next I tagged Frenchy and back and forth we went seeing who could make the most jibes. Obviously he won by a lot.
My only problem was my harness lines being a little off...but I was too lazy to adjust them. Sounds lame right? I got launched pretty good a few times (it was super gusty!)
So then came the launch of the day. Sorry Aaron, I think I stole your title for a couple minutes. Nick had a front row view of it. I was coming in on the inside and going for a jibe. Im not really sure what got stuck (my foot? harness lines??) It all happened so fast... I ended up sitting cross-legged on top of my sail, laughing until tears came. Nick was laughing pretty hard too. Top 10 he said.
I guess if I can't be the best sailor, I can at least try for top catapulter....?!!??
Then the wind died completely and I slogged back in.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A productive day (no wind)
Somehow I missed my first alarm this morning at woke up with a whole 15 minutes to shower and leave for school. Could it be that I was up until 2am doing homework? And no, I don't blame the margaritas and dinner with the girls last night. My late night was well worth the hour I spent at Milagros (Amazingly delish $3 Margaritas and excellent company!!).
I thought today was going to suck but somehow I was fully energized for my first class, Microbiology Lab. We did a really interesting analysis of some cells that we "genetically engineered" (really just "transformed"). We inserted P-Glo plasmids, ampicillin resistance genes and green flouresence genes into some E-coli bacteria. To put it simply, we made the cells glow florescently. :-) In one of my answers on my paper I even put "They glow like a San Fransisco rave". Haha...I bet my teacher will just looove that answer.
Here are the transformed cells under a blacklight..pretty cool that I did that eh?

So from there my next class only got better. Microbiology Lecture class. We got our midterms back today and guess what...I got a 107/110 points. One of the top scores in my class of 67! Woohoo! I really like that class. And, my teacher is learning how to I am spending a good chunk of my time in that class discussing windsurfing basics.
I just ended my evening with the boys: Juan, Andres and Jan. We ate pizza and watched The Windsurfing Movie. You know the song on there called Club Foot by Kasabian? Well I love that song and those shots...has me all excited to windsurf again.
After a dry 3 days of work and school for me, the wind comes back tomorrow and I am going to sail after work. Can't wait to get in the water again!
Cheers and Aloha!
I thought today was going to suck but somehow I was fully energized for my first class, Microbiology Lab. We did a really interesting analysis of some cells that we "genetically engineered" (really just "transformed"). We inserted P-Glo plasmids, ampicillin resistance genes and green flouresence genes into some E-coli bacteria. To put it simply, we made the cells glow florescently. :-) In one of my answers on my paper I even put "They glow like a San Fransisco rave". Haha...I bet my teacher will just looove that answer.
Here are the transformed cells under a blacklight..pretty cool that I did that eh?

So from there my next class only got better. Microbiology Lecture class. We got our midterms back today and guess what...I got a 107/110 points. One of the top scores in my class of 67! Woohoo! I really like that class. And, my teacher is learning how to I am spending a good chunk of my time in that class discussing windsurfing basics.
I just ended my evening with the boys: Juan, Andres and Jan. We ate pizza and watched The Windsurfing Movie. You know the song on there called Club Foot by Kasabian? Well I love that song and those shots...has me all excited to windsurf again.
After a dry 3 days of work and school for me, the wind comes back tomorrow and I am going to sail after work. Can't wait to get in the water again!
Cheers and Aloha!
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