Yesterday I worked until late afternoon and missed some excellent time on the water. Today I worked at Hot Sails from 9ish to 1ish and at the restaurant at 3. Soo...what did I do between my long work hours?!?!
Yep. Scooted down to Kanaha for a quick session. Didn't even go down to scope the water first. Just a quick glance from my car and a split decision that I would later regret...among other regrets. I decided to go with my 4.8, because my last few sessions have ended up with me getting my slogging on. With only about an hour of actual time on the water, I figured I should make sure to have plenty of power. Yup.
Plenty of power....check.
My first few runs were great, the wind felt great. And then it went up a notch. Or ten notches. Okay, honestly? I was careening out of control like a wound-up toy let loose across the ground. Still grinning (like an idiot, of course), I decided to cruise back in and adjust my sail a bit. I looked towards the cove and saw a dark haired person with a red rash gaurd and orange sail. Laura! Yay!
I headed straight for her (still grinning like an idiot and now paying no attention to what else is going on). Suddenly, the wind disappeared. Ohhhh the beauty of straight east side-shore wind. I fell in the water. And wrestled my gear. For 15 minutes. No wind. Not even a breath of breeze. I stopped struggling and looked towards the Laura. Only a dark haired boy in a red rashgaurd.
Now what?? Swim towards a windline...which almost seems like a figment of imagination, just as seeing Laura was?? Or swim towards the beach, which seems sooo far away. I checked my watch and gave myself 10 minutes before I should be walking my gear back to my car to make it to work on time. And then I swam towards what I hoped to be wind.
After struggling to waterstart, a good gust gave me just the push I needed. And then I was careening out of control again. Sweet. Turn around and head in. I entered into the no-wind zone and slogged towards the beach. I then swam the last 15 feet. Lovely.
I think I set a new record for how fast I can de-rig, shower and make it to work at the restaurant. 15 minutes and I was walking into work with hair dripping wet, wrapped up in a towel and work clothes in my hands. Hahaha. I thought it was great...
Despite a really lame shift at work, I was incredibly cheerful and feeling really good. I credit it to my eventful hour on the water. I wanted some pictures to with..but obviously due to my limited time today, it didnt happen.
But, I have Halloweeeen pictures!
Everyone that told me that Halloween was the devils birthday when I was a kid is soooooo lame. This is one of my favorite holidays. An excuse to dress up? Count me in!
The night wasn't what I originally envisioned, but it turned out to be fantastic anyways. I was a pirate and am happy to say that I made almost my entire costime with random pieces of clothing I bought for really cheap at Savers. My hair was real, no wig and it looked sweet. I love dressing up. I didn't when I was little though..maybe I am making up for it now.
Here are us girls!
Me, pirate.
Laura, Bunny (nooooot a playboy bunny. just a cute little bunny rabbit okay?)
Emilie, Superwoman.
And here is Emilie and Nicolas (aka Frenchy). They are my two favorite French people.
Oh look! Yours truly, dressed and ready.
Here is me with my fellow pirate, Matan! We were the best looking pirates I saw all night.
Derek. Can you guess what he was??....
A shark attack!!!
I wish I had more action shots, but my camera doesn't work so well for packing around. I need to buy a little sized digital camera.
Overall, the night was fabulous. Plenty of dancing at Jacques with all my closest friends. A random hippy party at the cannery. I danced on a table in the middle of dance floor...I guess I can check that off of things to do before I die! I didn't think I was too drunk, but after a random search for a bathroom that ended up being locked...I realized that it was probably time cut myself off and head home.
Nothing felt better than crawling into my bed at the end of the night!
Thanks to Juanito for being our sober driver :-D
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