My flight was short, too short. I hardly slept, despite having the entire row to myself. Why was the plane half empty??
Not as cold as I expected, just a bit of a chill that expands your lungs a little more. The humid Maui air has been cleared out of my lungs.
My flight arrived at 4:22am, thats 1:22am Maui time. Aaron picked me up at the airport and we headed back to his place. I swore I was only going to sleep 2 hours or so, so I checked my watch a few times throughout my sleep. 8am I woke up, and realized that I was actually 3 hour off. I ended up sleeping over 4 hours... oops! Its okay, the wind doesn't blow until around 2pm anyways. Here is the view near Aarons apartment...

We ate a delicious breakfast at a little diner, and cruised around the Haight-Ashbury District of SF. Pretty cool, so much to see! Next stop, Coyote Point!
I always wondered if I really like windsurfing a lot, or if its Maui I like so much. So I was pretty excited to have the opportunity to windsurf somewhere other than Maui. Its such a big deal to me! My first time ever to windsurf somewhere else!
Here is Coyote Point...

All I ever hear about is how cold the water is here. I was pleasantly surprised, with a wet suit I didn't even notice the water temperature. I was perfectly powered on a 4.2 and a 77 liter board. At first I felt incredibly lost, not sure where upwind/downwind was, and felt confused about where I should be. After a while, it was soooo fun! The chop was fun, perfect bumps and sometimes fun ramps. I made some jibes on both sides too. We sailed for 2 hours, and by the end I felt comfortable with the conditions and the landmarks.
So... the water is umm.. brown...
Here is Aaron, working on my board!
Aaron's friend and windsurfing buddy, Kevin. Me, in a glorious wet suit!
Aaron and I, windsurfing for peace today. Dorks.
After windsurfing, I was starving. So we met some of Aaron's friends for dinner at an amazing restaurant. They give you vegetables, noodles and rice as well as a huge platter of raw kobe beef slices. In the table, is a pot of boiling broth that you drop the beef and vegetables into for cooking. There are dishes of different sauces on the table as well. You cook it all as you eat it. It was sooo yummy!

Tomorrow is more sightseeing. Its supposed to be clear and sunny, but no wind. We'll probably go to the Oyster Festival for live music and more good food. Mmmm its amazing how much I love food!
More to come over the weekend.....
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