Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
some familia
I finally rode a horse again and I miss it like crazy! Steph and I did a run out to the barn for a quick ride and a stop at the taco wagon. I miss those yummy burritos too. There is absolutely no place else I can buy such amazing burritos! Now I have spent the last few days with my mom and grandma. Yesterday was Moms birthday too! Today I am headed back into Chico with plenty on my list of things-to-do.....
The Burrito Truck in all its glory!!

Just me...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Surviving SF, days 2 and 3
Oh wow.... so much in two days.
Saturday, sightseeing and Oyster Fest. Saw Michael Franti live, that was pretty fun. Ate the best garlic butter oysters I have ever eaten.
Sunday I was awake early, and drunk by 8:30am. I participated in Bay to Breakers, a 7 mile race. Did I run? Absolutely not. I followed the crowed of costumed (or naked!) walkers. It was insane, San Francisco is insane. At around noon I took a taxi to The Fairmont Hotel, and proceeded to pass out in their fancy lobby. Jona met me there, my savior! After a nice lunch, we drove to Chico. I hate being hungover in the afternoon. But it was worth it, I can't even explain more than that.
Im in Chico now =)

Friday, May 15, 2009
Day 1 in San Francisco
My flight was short, too short. I hardly slept, despite having the entire row to myself. Why was the plane half empty??
Not as cold as I expected, just a bit of a chill that expands your lungs a little more. The humid Maui air has been cleared out of my lungs.
My flight arrived at 4:22am, thats 1:22am Maui time. Aaron picked me up at the airport and we headed back to his place. I swore I was only going to sleep 2 hours or so, so I checked my watch a few times throughout my sleep. 8am I woke up, and realized that I was actually 3 hour off. I ended up sleeping over 4 hours... oops! Its okay, the wind doesn't blow until around 2pm anyways. Here is the view near Aarons apartment...

We ate a delicious breakfast at a little diner, and cruised around the Haight-Ashbury District of SF. Pretty cool, so much to see! Next stop, Coyote Point!
I always wondered if I really like windsurfing a lot, or if its Maui I like so much. So I was pretty excited to have the opportunity to windsurf somewhere other than Maui. Its such a big deal to me! My first time ever to windsurf somewhere else!
Here is Coyote Point...

All I ever hear about is how cold the water is here. I was pleasantly surprised, with a wet suit I didn't even notice the water temperature. I was perfectly powered on a 4.2 and a 77 liter board. At first I felt incredibly lost, not sure where upwind/downwind was, and felt confused about where I should be. After a while, it was soooo fun! The chop was fun, perfect bumps and sometimes fun ramps. I made some jibes on both sides too. We sailed for 2 hours, and by the end I felt comfortable with the conditions and the landmarks.
So... the water is umm.. brown...
Here is Aaron, working on my board!
Aaron's friend and windsurfing buddy, Kevin. Me, in a glorious wet suit!
Aaron and I, windsurfing for peace today. Dorks.
After windsurfing, I was starving. So we met some of Aaron's friends for dinner at an amazing restaurant. They give you vegetables, noodles and rice as well as a huge platter of raw kobe beef slices. In the table, is a pot of boiling broth that you drop the beef and vegetables into for cooking. There are dishes of different sauces on the table as well. You cook it all as you eat it. It was sooo yummy!

Tomorrow is more sightseeing. Its supposed to be clear and sunny, but no wind. We'll probably go to the Oyster Festival for live music and more good food. Mmmm its amazing how much I love food!
More to come over the weekend.....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
4 days, yep, thats right. 4 straight days.
On Friday, I used a SUP board and sail and went windsurfing. I also studied for my final exams.
Saturday, Nitsan gave me a Kite Boarding lesson!!!! He said with 1 or 2 more lessons, I can do it on my own. Im really excited about learning something new. I studied a bit more and then went to work.
Sunday I studied all morning for my Monday exam. I ate lunch, and studied more. Then, guess what. I went windsurfing. I felt guilty about it, because I know my classmates would call me crazy. But I don't care. The more I study, the more I realize that exercise and fresh air are necessary. I had to do it, I was losing my mind in a sea of hot pink flash cards and a stack of books. It was a fantastic few hours on the water... late in the afternoon and only three of us out. The wind was light, but steady.
Monday morning, I woke up and flipped through flash cards in bed. I packed some around for breakfast, and flipped through them on my way to class. I took my dreaded exam. It was pretty painful, I started losing focus half way through. Usually I can finish a test in less then 45 minutes, but this exam took me over an hour. Next stop, Milagros. I downed a couple margaritas at 11am along with 6 other girls in my class. You can imagine the stress we have been under, so to put this exam and about 20 margaritas behind us was incredibly entertaining. Its nice to spend time with them outside of school. So next, what did I do? ......windsurf! Again, light steady wind so I took the SUP. Rocko cruised the beach, I didn't even tie him up. He stalked me up and down the coast. I let him sit on the board and we drifted downwind. Out and back, I went. Jibe, jibe, jibe. It was awesome. So relaxing. Then Rocko and I frolicked the beach together and he got a bath in the beach showers. He is going to be really pissed the next time he gets tied up at the beach...hoping that won't be me to tie have to tie him up! (sorry to whoever it is!) Last night I went to a bonfire, and let him run around the beach all night hunting sand crabs. He is Mr. Independent right now, and he think he owns the entire north shore along with all the crabs the roam its sand.
Today, I went to my injections final. I was really nervous to do my stuff under pressure with my teacher hovering over me. My hands were shaking and it was really awkward. Somehow I still got an A on it.... whew. At 1:00 I have an exam review session and I will find out my score from yesterday mornings exam.
One more exam left, this Thursday, then its off to California! Im feeling a little under prepared for this trip. I haven't even thought about packing yet, but I mostly feel worried because I know my liver isn't up to par with S.F..... annnd is definitely not prepped for a Chico State graduation weekend. Uhhhhh ohhhhhh......

Rocko has been getting out A LOT lately and he is pretty stoked about it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
And the beat goes on....
Main problem, solved. Some good communication and honesty and what do you know!
Life is good.
I put surf racks on my cute little care. I will take a picture tomorrow. The last 48 hours was filled with obscene amounts of school and work. Luckily I have the next few days off. Going to California soon too!
I talked to some nurses at work last night. They were fantastic =) ER and ICU nurses.
Their biggest advice: do not work while you are in nursing school.
Ha. No kidding. Working and being in school is really taxing. I am tired of not being able to focus more on school work. My fingers are crossed that SOMETHING works out, and I can work less than 10 hours a week this fall.
Wishful thinking? We'll see...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The important decisions in life.
I know that one day I will look back, and laugh. I know I will realize the answers were right in front of me, but I was so busy looking elsewhere that I missed them. What feels like a mountain right now, is really just a mole hill in the big picture. My biggest enemy is most likely myself, although the last few days I have been trying to find it in everyone else.
I think its time to open up a few of the boxes I have kept stored away for a few weeks. Time to deal with the things I don't want to deal with. When its all sorted out, said and done, I know I will feel the weight of it off my chest. It will be a burden lifted off my shoulders. I will know I did the best I could and did what was right for me.
All it takes is a some communication, some honesty, some self evaluation and the answer will appear before my eyes.
So before I post again, I will have cleaned out these compartments in my head.
I promise.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Queens Day
Celebrating Queens Day-- a Dutch holiday! Yay for the Netherlands! Yay for good food! Don't forget to wear orange and invite all your Dutch friends...
(click to enlarge photos)

Rocko and I have been spending a lot of time together at the beach and at home lately....
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