Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Universal Health Care

So you say you are against Universal Health Care?

You know me, 21 years old, full time student. I take pretty decent care of myself. I don't smoke, don't really drink, I kinda get exercise. 

I guess I don't deserve health insurance. I can't always work enough hours a week because of school. And they cut everyones hours at work because of the tight financial situations. So I don't make the cut. 

While you argue that not everyone is entitled to health care, I am praying to God I stay healthy. Praying that I don't end up with a urinary tract infection, which is super common with women. Because  I know if I do get one, the best I can do to treat it is drink lots of water. And can you imagine what would happen if it turned into a kidney infection? Even more than that, I am crossing my fingers I don't get seriously injured. Because a broken bone, a car accident, a case of appendicitis..... who knows where the thousands of dollars will come from to pay for my medical bills. I know my family can't afford that kind of financial burden. 

Many nursing students like myself, are thinking of these things all the time. One of us gets a measly cold and cough, a urinary tract infection, the flu, and we are down for the count. But, I guess since we don't work 40 hours a week with a job that pays into an insurance company--that probably will find a way to weasel out of paying for serious medical bills anyways--we don't deserve health care. 

So before you toot your horn about not everyone deserving health care, think about your loved ones, your family and you friends. Can you think of anyone without insurance? When it comes down to life or death, terminal illness, do you really want to see them get denied, because they didn't meet someone elses standards of who deserves and who doesn't?? 

I never thought so hard about this until recently. I never cared so much until now. Because now, I am in the position to seriously get back handed if I am not careful. 

(in case you are freaked out, no worries. I am still healthy. Just being realistic.)

1 comment:

  1. You know that really does suck. I live in Australia and part of the money we pay in taxes covers all our medical cost. From the richest to the poorest all get medical cover for free.

    Americans really need to demand a better heath system.
